Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Good and the Bad of Pot Stickers

Tonight for dinner I made these pot stickers. I served them with this sauce. They were delicious. The adults in our family really enjoyed them. Short and sweet--that is the good of the pot stickers.

But still, the pot stickers bit me in the rear tonight. It seems like I should have a better handle on things than I do. I sometimes feel like everyone else with little children has things under control way better than I do. Does anyone else feel this way? Sometimes when I try and do something a little extra everything else explodes.

So, I started assembling my pot stickers early and let my children tear up the house and bicker at each other while I did so. The baby was playing in a laundry basket on the kitchen floor and only cried through the filling of the last three pot stickers. Then, I tended to some motherly duties and eventually forced my children to clean up their toys in an embarrassing display of impatience. After that, Mark arrived home late just the same as every other night (not complaining, Mark, just saying it how it is). Adam had just slipped on a pad of construction paper that he should have already put away and whacked his head quite good on the floor. I had a bag of peas to his head because we don't have any ice in the house and the baby was starting to cry. After Adam was calmed and Mark took the baby I started cooking the things and dropped a plate on the floor. The thing about natural stone is that it is really hard and unforgiving.

By the time dinner got to the table it was about 7:00 and the kids were too hungry and cranky to even think of eating something flavorful. Dallin gave them an honest try. Adam was sent to his room for his rude disrespect of mom's hard work (it was for him! No, actually, I guess it was for me). Eventually we gave into making peanut butter and honey sandwiches for the boys. Worked out because then there were more pot stickers for Mark and I. I had spent too much time on the things to really consider making something else to go with them and several of them had fallen on the floor with the broken plate so the supply was a little limited. We ate herded the kids through the nighttime ritual and got them all to bed.

Mark is having a potluck for lunch at work tomorrow. We made a pasta salad after the kids were in bed and I dropped another plate on the floor in the process. More time sweeping the floor again.

I like to cook. I have really scaled down on what I do since having kids. Every now and then I feel like doing a little more than the normal quick dinner. But alas, it might have been the wrong choice tonight. And this wasn't even that involved of a dish.

Good thing my kids are forgiving even when I put pot stickers ahead of them for a night.

And in spite of my experience, I bet you'd like the pot stickers. Don't you want to try them after all that?


Kathryn said...

It's bad of me to feel a little relieved that I'm not the only one with nights like these. Why is it so easy to think that every other mom has it under control but me? At least you made dinner. Ryan likes to cook so I've become more of the sous-chef since Leta and Annie arrived on the scene.

melanddebby said...

Many days will just be blurrs but you are making the "lasting" memories! Keep on tying-it really is worth the wear and an old gal-the years fly past (one dinner/night @ a time). Maybe I'll get to collect hugs while I'm over spoilin the Mullins during Spring Break-hope so XXXXXXXXXXXXXooooooooo
Aunt Debby

Larry and Karri said...

Ditto what Kathryn said - I'm sure even June Cleaver must've had nights like that. However, your whole experience made the pot stickers sound all the more intriguing though. I'd try them. :) (BTW, have you ever tried I'm not gourmet enough to try and make pot stickers [yet], but when I want to try something new I use that site. It's my favorite!) said...

I never have days' like that. lol. just kidding. I can relate. Those days sometimes also seem to come consecutively followed by a drought were you say to yourself, 'man things are going so well'. Then 'wham' you start your roller coaster ride. my favorite is when you have one hanging on your leg while trying to cook and everythings crumbling around you. Good thing we end up being able to laugh about it later. I think your a great Mom Marily, keep it up.

Bishop Family said...

I fall into the same trap all the time and wonder why is everyone else such a good mom and I can't handle it. Its good to know others feel that way. By the way I thought you were one of those moms who's got it all handled. But it's good to know I'm not alone.