Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Adam's Jams

Last night, Adam decided, "I want to to wear five shirts and five pants" to bed. After a slight internal struggle I simply remained silent. He proceeded to layer his pajamas one on top of another until he ended up surpassing his goal--seven shirts and six pants.


Apparently he has TOO many pairs of pajamas. At one point when he was somewhere between four or six of each I softly mentioned that he might be hot with all of those clothes on. He replied with, "I like the hot because the hot tickles my tummy." Oh, yes, sure, of course.

So I took his blankets off his bed and Mark and I discussed that we will need to make sure to check on him after he went to bed to be sure that he doesn't get overheated. Kissed the boys goodnight.

Ten minutes later Adam came out of his room, his face was flushed and his cheeks were pink as if he'd spent a summer afternoon outside. He told me, "I think I just want one shirt and one pants." So layer by layer we took off the extra clothes. Here he is with the leftovers.


Though in the end he ended up with one shirt and two pairs of shorts on, but at least he learned for himself why it's not a good idea to wear so many layers to bed.


Mom's da Bomb! said...

Learning for yourself when you're young (that mom and dad might be right about a few things) is a lot easier than trying to learn that lesson with things more important than pj's. And, I think you're pretty wise to let him try it.

Carolyn said...

I am very impressed that you let him wear those to bed--I totally would have been like, "No way buddy," and then a battle would probably have ensued--what a wise mom!
By the way, let me know if Dallin gets in--I feel like a traitor, but we won't be back next year. :( With Angie moving on to middle school we wanted them all on the same break schedule so the other kids are going to a Mesa school--I will so miss Eduprize though!

Larry and Karri said...

Ha ha that was cute. I agree with Mom's da Bomb - I think you were a nice mom to let him figure that one out on his own.

Tanya Leigh said...

That's just awesome.

Shyre went through a layering phase, though she never wore them all to bed. Just had them on for midday wardrobe changes. lol.