Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello Ladies

How are you?Fantastic!

Seeing that this blog has sadly fallen into disrepair I have taken it upon myself to repair the dis-repairedness. After all, it's nothing that a power drill and an endless supply of duct tape can't fix.

As my first contribution I offer the coolest thing I've seen this week:

So cool.

Second, you will witness the fate of those who corrupt perfectly good art forms; who confuse the general public into thinking that elevator music should be called "jazz"; who shamelessly douse us with endless pentatonic scales and cheap turn/mordent riffs. In this video metaphor the chick with the poofy hair represents Kenny G, while the bear plays the role of Cosmic Justice. Enjoy.

Good Bobo.


Bethany said...

Nice! Love the Old Spice commercial. I acually haven't seen that one on TV. I have to say it's the best one yet.

Mom's da Bomb! said...

Love the Old Spice commercial, too. My dad wore that forever! I can't stand it, but evidently my mom was able to tolerate it better than I could. lol Also, LOVE the Iwo Jima set. Reminds me of my dad, as well, since he served in the Army in WW II. The bear does too, for that matter. Hahaha. He once took one of his jr. high students bear hunting, and the kid actually got one! Not sure if he shot it - or dad. But, the boy only wanted the fur hide to tan, so dad and I cut up the bear meat, and I canned it. Yummy, rich flavor. Made really good barbecue and stew. Thanks, Mark, for the tour down memory lane.