Friday, July 15, 2011

Hot Roddin'

We finally took the boys to the Hot Wheels races tonight. These races take place every Friday night in the Ace Hardware parking lot on the southwest corner of Gilbert and Baseline.
The way it works is that they set up a really long, 2-lane track and participants race their Hot Wheels cars. The races go in heats with the winners moving onto the next race. The winner and runners-up get prizes! To participate, you pay $1 and the organizers give you a brand new, in-the-box Hot Wheels car. You must only use that car in the race, and the cars are randomly assigned to
the racers.

One of the gentlmen there kept giving out cars to the kids so although we showed up with just one car that Dallin had in his pocket we came home with about 10. Even Owen got into the act. The most difficult thing was to keep him away from the track when it wasn't his turn to race. And even though his car litterally wobbled down the track for a loss he was so excited to see the cars go.

People start showing up after 6pm, but the actual racing doesn't start until about 7:30-8:00pm.

1 comment:

Tanya Leigh said...

How cute! Does it take a long while or does it go pretty smoothly? What a fun idea!