Thursday, January 31, 2008

To begin

So here, finally I am starting a journal for our boys! More than once when I have told someone about something cute that one or another of them has said I have heard the reply, "You're writing this down, aren't you?" Then follows a flood of guilt which in turn is followed by trying to make myself not feel so bad about it. But, anyway, here it is. This blog will be where I can record the precious and memorable things they say and do. It might be kind of random that way. So, to begin, I will just record a few moments that have not been recorded.

1. This was probably about a month ago.... Dallin was getting frustrated when Adam kept taking the toys that he was playing with and was being kind of grouchy to Adam. I told Dallin, "We have to be nice to Adam. We love Adam. He is a part of our family." I hardly expected such a sincere reply from three-year-old Dallin. With a sad look on his face he said, "Yeah, and if Adam were not in our family, then we would be so sad."

2. Adam is currently 16 1/2 months old. He is starting to say more and more "words." Some of his latest: "boo" for book, "shzz" for shoes, "mo" for no (or for more). He also can copy pretty much every sound-effect that Dallin can make, whether it is a "vroom" for a car or a "woosh" for a plane. He's actually pretty talented in the sound-effect area. Adam is the sweetest sweetest thing ever. He loves blowing kisses and giving shy smiles and batty eyes to strangers at the grocery store. He is our charmer.

3. Dallin is a riot. His number one concern in life is, "Is it funny?" Actually he asks us this question several times a day:

"Mom, is munno a funny word?"

"Yes, Dallin, that's funny."

"Is torko a funny word?"

"Yes, Dallin."

"Is it funny to do this?" (He rams into me with his head)

"No, Dallin, Mom doesn't really like that."

"Oh...but it's funny to tickle!" (Then, he'll tickle me to smooth things over.)

He thinks one of the best compliments we can give him is to call him a goofball. And, in our family, it is a compliment. Actually, we had some little friends over once, Warren and Abigail Jennings. At lunch, Dallin called Abigail a wierdo. Warren kept telling me that Dallin called Abigail a not very nice name, but I didn't really know what to tell him because we like wierdos in our family. And, if Dallin calls you a wierdo, it definitely means that he thinks you're cool.