Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dallin, Adam, and I were sitting on the couch looking through a Thomas the Train pamphlet/ad and Adam says, "Thomas is coo--Thomas is awesome." He has been calling things awesome ever since, it's like he decided in that moment to make the conscious decision that he now wants to call things awesome instead of cool. And what's really great is that he says it so matter-of-fact without too much emphasis or emotion. That's just how it is.

Thomas is awesome.

After hearing Adam say "Thomas is awesome" a couple of times Dallin smiles and jokes, "Thomas S. Monson?"

And I have to laugh at Mark for this one. This was actually said a couple of months ago but I just came across the scrap of paper I wrote it on and laughed again.

Mark to Dallin: "That was funny like the first two times. And you did it six times. So how many times was it not funny? Like four times. That's called subtraction."

And lastly, I asked Dallin to take Owen's dirty bib to the laundry today and as he did he said in a robotic voice: " I do not want any spit up on me. I am not programmed for spit up."

My kids are seriously hilarious. They get it from their dad.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Six Months

Half a year, can it be so?


Oh how I love my little Owen.

What a sweet, sweet, baby you are. I often hear people call you beautiful, followed by some sort of disclaimer or explanation that baby boys can be beautiful too. And I agree, and don't mind people saying so, because you are beautiful.

You are not too anxious to exert yourself physically and that is just fine with me. Though I am trying to remember to let you have some tummy time because you need to work those little muscles. You hate tummy time and still sometimes your arms get in the way of you rolling over onto your back. For Family Home Evening last week we all made goals. Yours was to sit up all by yourself. We are working on it.
Your brothers love when I let you sit up on your own for a second or two until you timber over to one side or another to be caught by me. We like to call that game Owen Topple Tower.

You have been eating rice cereal for the last couple of weeks and you love it. You eat a lot of it and your little thighs are filling out because of it. I love those squeezable thighs. Once I can manage to get to the store we will start trying you on some other foods.

You suck on the first two fingers of your right hand.


You are playing with toys a lot, watching everything and everyone and getting quite grabby. Your brothers think you are the most entertaining thing ever. They love it when you smile or laugh at them and they think the little things you do are so funny. We love you Owen!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Last of 2009

Here we go. We'd better finish off last year before it's December again.

This December...

We posed like a little model in our dirty bib.

We hired servants to work around the house for Christmas money. (And no, our kitchen is not usually this clean--I won't show you what it looks like now, for instance.)


We watched Santa arrive in a helicopter.

We noticed Adam's eyes are kind of starting to look green.
We snuggled under covers.
We worried our little brother.
This picture is pretty telling because Adam wants to give Owen hugs and kisses probably six to ten times in a day and Owen isn't always happy about it.
We enjoyed the long-awaited harvest of our five tangerines and five tangelos. I was worried that some teenagers would walk by our front yard and destroy these little guys before we had a chance to eat them, but they all survived.
Here I am relishing in my childhood dream coming true. Photobucket
I never had dreams about what I wanted my wedding to be like or how many children I would have, but I new I wanted my own citrus trees when I grew up. Actually, my friend Rebekah's family had some and they let me get fruit at my pleasure, so I sometimes would sneak over there in the early morning or night and take some oranges off their tree and replace the trees with bananas or pears or little stuffed animals or whatnot.

We had a very nice Christmas.
"Thomas the Train!"
Adam had plenty of wooden trains before, but he got another set to add on for Christmas. He has been playing with his trains for hours every day since Christmas.


Owen says, "What? You must have spent like twenty bucks on me."

We kind of got deja vu after seeing this picture.

Christmas day 2009. Owen and Grandma Smith
Christmas day 2006. Adam and Grandma Smith

We kept finding the little guy with socks stuck in his mouth. Photobucket
Dallin laughed for several minutes straight when he saw this. Owen grabs the socks off his feet then tries to eat them.

We um, took this picture.

And this one.

We did some fun Christmasy stuff.

And spent some time with family.
Mark's aunt Penny who lives in Colorado was in town so we took the opportunity to get his grandma and all the daughters (including Mark's mom) together to do a video interview. It's always a blast when these ladies get together, and inevitably they end up crying from laughing too hard. I don't know if we got that on video, but we got some good stories about their growing up.

And that, dear folks is about all for now.

Evolution of a Photo

Taking pictures of kids is...tricky.

Dallin wanted to hold Owen.


Dallin wanted Mom to take a picture.


It took a while to get the right shot.

Because instead of smiling sweetly, we got playing guitar on baby

and a baby that was more cooperative than his older brother

but eventually we got two smiles, though they were a little fuzzy

and then a shot that was a little better.

Then, "Adam! Come in here!"

And then, there you go.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Items and Ideas of 2009

Astronaut Giraffes

Don't kids make life entertaining?


When Dallin turned five he started getting an allowance. Mark and I never got allowance growing up so the whole idea seemed like it was for kids who were spoiled. But eventually we warmed up to the idea. Done properly, the idea is that our kids will grow up to be even less entitled than if they didn't have an allowance. It's basically budgeting for the little things kids want, but handing the control over to the child. Every parent gives their kids money for things, and giving allowance makes the choice up to the kid what to spend money on instead of leaving it up to the parent to decide, "Do I really want to pay for the ice cream man or that toy or whatever?" Give the kid a fixed amount of money and the responsibility is theirs. Pressure is off the parents. Less arguing and tantrums. We made sure to give Dallin enough allowance that there was enough for him to set aside money for tithing and his savings account and still have a little fun money (what's left is only about a dollar a week). Instead of trying to decide if I want to buy whatever it is that he is interested in I get to tell him, "You can buy that with your own money if you want to." And, that makes him think more too about whether he really wants the item in the first place. Anyway, I know everyone has different opinions about this, but I am really liking this allowance idea now. Who knew?

Arizona Brand Corn Tortillas

We have tried them all, many times and these are the best. We like to fry our own tostada and taco shells or chips and no other brand fries as great as these do.

Curel lotion

We finally found a pump lotion brand that we like. It actually lasts all day and doesn't feel watery.

Ghiradelli brownies

Yay! A brownie mix without any dairy whatsoever. Even the variety with chocolate chips doesn't have dairy. Since Owen still has a slight dairy allergy these are pretty much my saving grace. I have been stocking up and make a bunch and freeze them in smaller portions so I can have one whenever I want. Not eating dairy also takes a lot of fat out of my diet, so these are pretty much a necessity.

Craigslist Free Stuff

Do you want to get rid of something quick? Post it for free on Craigslist. You will have 60 emails before you have time to check it.

Snuggi for DOGS

Look how happy and/or ambarrassed these dogs look in their Snuggie for Dogs! I told Mark to get one of these for Christmas. Then, get me a dog to go with it. If you think these are totally awesome, you will love this video. I really wanted to embed it in my blog post, but alas, it was not to be. The black and white portion of infomercials is my way favorite. And the dog in pink is totally thinking, "I just hope nobody cool sees me wearing this."

And of course the highlight of 2009 was the arrival of this little guy.
Next stop, maybe some more posts to catch up. Maybe later.