Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Geek Squad

IT guys. Love 'em or hate 'em, we all need them. In the early days computers were crude, clunky, and would encounter severe problems at unpredictable times. Nowadays computers are far more predictable. A standard modern PC is designed to encounter severe problems precisely 7 times each year--usually when the user is working on an important Relief Society hand out or trying to catch the Biggest Loser finale on Hulu. Hence the need for those brave souls known affectionately as "IT guys".

Our family is fortunate to have our own IT guy. Like many geeks he's generally good-natured and and attracted to anything that glows; he also shares the all-too-common trait of sometimes smelling funny and is often found with food stains on his shirt. But we love him for it. After all he's only 11 months old.

Which may explain why his repretoire of computer fixes is limited. When there is a problem Owen will usually pound his hand repeatedly on the keboard, throw the mouse, or perform multiple hard restarts by pressing the PC power button again and again. That's his favorite trick.

Take the other week, for example. Marily had been laboring over a blog post and stepped away from the computer for a minute. Something in Owen's highly technical brain must have sensed that a virus was threatening our computer at that very moment because he crawled over to the computer--nearly at light speed--and promptly pushed the power button initiating an immediate hard shut down of the computer. I tried getting an explanation from the little guy as to what type of emergency warranted such swift action, but like many of his techno brethren his verbal skills are--shall we say--somewhat lacking. Some IT guys have trouble forming complete sentences. Owen struggles with forming intelligible words. I remain convinced he had his reasons, though.

Although our family appreciates Owen's generosity of taking upon himself the task of keeping the computer healthly, some members have expressed doubt that he knows what the heck he's doing. Some have even taken measures to physically impede our adorable geek from even touching the computer. But his enthusiasm remains unabated. He luuuuuuuvs fixing that computer, and we luuuuuuv our little IT guy.


Mills Family said...

My IT guy must have trained at the same school as your IT guy. He loves the glowing blue power button and the glowing switch on the surge protector.

Marily said...

Yes, they're all a little immature, even after graduation from that schoo. And Mark, what about when I grabbed Owen just a second too late--after he'd shut the computer down--and he shook his fist in triumph. That was the best part.