Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's the Deal With Russell Pearce?

Well, the day is coming and the local media is more excited than a gaggle of tweens at a Justin Bieber concert. Their favorite “lightning rod of controversy” who has been “ensnared in ... controversy” because of his “controversial political stances”, yes even Russell Pearce, “one of the state's most powerful and controversial politicians” is now subject to a recall election in November. (Note to reader: all the preceding quotes came from the Arizona Republic. And no, not from a collection of articles...all from the same article)! While it’s easy fun to laugh at journalists’ overuse of meaningless adjectives, at some point we serious citizens have to take a step back and consider what to do about the whole affair.

After all, hasn’t Russell Pearce been wasting time on illegal immigration bills instead of focusing on more important issues? And what’s the thing with some Fiesta Bowl scandal we keep hearing about? And why does he always look so angry in them photographs?

Before the campaigns get into full swing now may be a good time to consider what Pearce has actually done as a legislator and what this election means in context of other considerations.

Sure, we already know that he gets high ratings from groups for being a “Hero of the Taxpayer” and having a 100% pro-life voting record, but what about dealing with the urgent fiscal issues facing Arizona?

Sometimes the Arizona legislature will have to go into special sessions in order to deal with budget issues that don’t get resolved until the last minute. Kind of like the federal government is doing right now. But under Senate President Pearce’s leadership the budget was finished within 100 days of regular session. Difficult decisions were made to come up with a budget that would put Arizona on more stable financial footing.

But what about the cuts to education and health care? Here’s where it gets interesting and makes it look like Pearce has been onto something for a long time. Education—overall enrollments are down so it’s a reasonable move (even though painful) to make during hard economic times. Health Care—AHCCCS paid for 20,000 births in 2007 but only for 7,000 in 2010. Why the sudden drop in state-funded births and students? At least part of the answer is SB 1070, the immigration bill that has made Pearce so notorious.

Pearce has helped the state reduce its costs by pushing an immigration law that prompted many illegals to voluntarily leave. What’s not to like about that?


Kathryn said...

What, no politically charged comments?

Here is my 2 cents: I'm the kind of person who feels bad for other people. I want everyone to be happy. And that is why I'm all for the state finally being able to enforce federal laws. There is an immigration problem. Because of that a lot of legal Mexicans are assumed to be illegal. And a lot of people from other countries have a hard time coming here legally because the system is already backloaded with illegals who cut in line. I think we need strict enforcement so that Mexicans who are here legally can finally get the respect they deserve and so the people who want to come, can do it in a safe and legal manner. That is where my bleeding heart it.

Good points here Mark (I'm assuming this is Mark.) Your right though, maybe you should give Russell some smiling lessons.

Kathryn said...

I mean "You're"

Tanya Leigh said...

Aw, man. I was hoping they didn't the the signatures. I rather enjoyed turning them down at the Mesa Public library.

"Would you like to sign a petition to recall Russel Pearce?"

Good luck!

Carolyn said...

Jack met RUssel Pearce last year at our neighbor's house--he was very impressed with him, but we have alwayse supported him for the most part. I hope he stays in for a long time!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, the man has ties to White Supremacist groups all over the nation.

Here is a quote from an email he sent in 2006:
The article lashes out at how the media portrays "any racially conscious White person who looks askance at miscegenation or at the rapidly darkening racial situation in America."

It says the "media masters" force on the public their view of "a world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature of the Jewish 'Holocaust' tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the flood of non-White aliens pouring across our borders ... ."

He blatantly sends out untrue statements and propaganda on his website to sway unknowing citizens:

The motives behind his policies are hurting Arizona. A policy to fight illegal immigration is one thing; a policy to rid the state of "wetbacks and anchor babies" is quite another.