Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Month

Kind of hard to believe it's been a month, but then again, this little guy is looking huge to me! He's getting some meat on his bones and cross-my-fingers he is getting the hang of sleeping at night (not through the night of course). It is so fun to have a baby--I think I forgot how awesome they are.

I love that Dallin and Adam are so interested in Owen. They love him so much--it's great. When I get Owen from his naps Dallin and Adam will come up to us and ask to see him. I lower Owen to their level so they can hug him and kiss him and I smile and grimace at the same time because they are not perfectly oh so gentle though they are trying to be.

A few days ago I was doing dishes and the boys were hanging out next to Owen who was propped up lying on the couch. Adam and Dallin were both saying, "Look at me! Look at me!" to Owen. Owen started crying and I realize it's because his brothers are forcing him to look in their direction by moving his head one way and then another. His poor little newborn neck.

I told myself I was going to put my tennis shoes on today and get a little more done around the house. Somehow that didn't happen until 5:30 pm when I realized Mark was going to be home soon and I needed to do dinner and clean up the house at least a little. I think I transitioned from "taking it easy" to being a little lazy. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow I'll do better. Tennis shoes at 4:30 pm perhaps?


Brooklin Yazzie said...

Oh my goodness!! Look at you and your 3 boys!!!! Yes boys! I love that the older boys are so loving with the baby! Even if they think they can rearrange his poor little head!Haha. 2 CUTE!!

Bekah Jennings said...

Where did the post about Mark's date invite go? It was on my reader, but not here. I just wanted to say, WAY TO GO MARK!