Thursday, December 11, 2008

'Tis the Season

Here are our pictures that are very similar to your pictures that many of you have already posted. Different kids though.

Our simple tree. And I prefer kids decorating trees in pajamas. Better photo opportunities.
Adam preferred the grouping technique for decorating the tree's limbs.

He would carefully place another bulb on the same one or two branches and then smile wide and do a little happy dance that he managed to get another one on without knocking the others off. It reminded me of a game like Jenga or Don't Break the Ice.

These two photos are from the Christmas party at church. Somehow I missed taking my own picture of Adam with Santa. I think it was because I was trying to take Adam's sucker away for the photographer to take a picture.

The morning before the activity I kept asking Dallin what he was going to ask Santa for--a mom's got to know these things. He'd simply whisper, "It's a secret." I was worried that I would have to ask Santa himself, but fortunately I caught Dallin as he was running off after sitting with Santa to ask him what he asked for. "Airplane roller coaster" was his whispered reply before he ran away.

Christmas crafting

So what's a mom to do when she actually planned ahead this year and already bought her kids gifts and how was she suppose to know that if you leave Target ads lying around the house your kid is bound to come up with something to ask for that is NOT what was already purchased? Really, I need some advice. Mark could care less whether Dallin got what he asked for. Me, I'm feeling a little guilty for not buying this:

Our Joy School and a couple of extra two-year-olds (mine included) went to a care facility and sang and performed a reenactment of the nativity for a few ladies there. Dallin's the one with the crown over his eyes in both pictures. My kids were two wise men (hopefully reminiscent of things to come).

How's that for spreading some Christmas joy?


The Allen's said...

I love your header picture. that one is a keeper for sure. I am sure Dallin will be happy with whatever he gets but if you really wanted you could bring some stuff back and trade out. Mom knows best. I haven't talked to you in a long while. I am really feeling sad not having had the annual christmas party at shye's this year. Dang.

simplyshye said...

I still love the picture for your header !! Still so darling ... I remember that awesome catch ;-)
Hope your day was SUPER
Loves --shye

Tanya Leigh said...

I love Adam's decorating style! Adorable. And Dallin looks way handsome in that Santa picture. So much for being prepared for Christmas, huh? It's a tight spot, if he can't be "convinced" that he REALLY wants the other thing ;) haha.

Tanya Leigh said...

Oh, and those Joy School pics are so cute! I need some copies :)