Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Boys will be boys

This evening I was inside the house and Mark was gone for a meeting. The boys had been playing outside, throwing dirt clods at the wall in the backyard. After a while it was quite quiet which every parent knows is a warning sign for trouble. I went outside to see my two little guys on the side of the house standing inside the wheelbarrow, pants down, peeing into the rocks. They didn't know I was there and I was first going to wait until they were both finished and then march them both to their bedrooms for time outs. I'm kind of a strict mom about certain things. Probably not strict enough about others, but anyway...

Then the thoughts came:

First, they are boys, and didn't I want them to be friends and bond together?

And, at least they are behind the fence and not in the front yard like they were the last time they did that.

So, I let it be and went back inside without them even noticing me.

Sometimes you've just got to let things go, right?


mishalee said...

If only you'd got a picture (from behind.) Boys will totally be boys and peeing in the yard is so part of the territory! I bet they can't wait to teach their newest brother all of their tricks.

Caroline C. Bingham said...

Hey, at least they didn't wet their pants.

K said...

i so agree with your thinking. i applaud you for your good mom thinking skills. and you are a sleuth. i love mom sleuthing.

Carolyn said...

Yeah--what they don't know that we know about won't hurt them right? (Or something like that...) Sounds like you are getting ready for boy three very well!

Shauna- said...

Yes, sometimes...only sometimes..it is better to breathe deep, remember and let things go. I love little boys and all the quirks that go with them!

Anonymous said...

Marily I need help with starting my food storage! Can you email me sometime with some tips and advice. Now that I have a house I want to store, store, store, but I am scared. Please help! You are really good at that sort of thing...that very important thing.

Bekah Jennings said...

Ha ha. When the [one] bathroom at our house is full of one of the other 4 potty-trained people who live here, it is out to the tree in the backyard.