Saturday, May 2, 2009

Blue Eyes + Brown Eyes

Marily has blue eyes. Mark has brown. Adam's are a little confused.

Click on the pictures to see them closer up.

These pictures can't quite do them justice, but can you see all the colors in these beauties? Dallin's eyes were like this for a little while as they transitioned from blue-ish gray to brown when he was a baby. Adam's have stayed this way for a couple of years. If this is permanent then we may have our work cut out for us keeping the girls at bay.

And by the way, he is doing really well. He seems to be mostly over the croup and coughs very seldom. Seems in spite of the scary episode Thursday morning he has had it pretty mild.


Anonymous said...

We have the same issue - Peter has brown eyes and I have blue. Rachael was the one whose eyes took the longest to decide what they were going to be. At age 5 they finally changed for the last time. Her final color is about the color that Adam has now. I guess you can never predict genetics. Congratulations on that new little one...another boy - you're going to be outnumbered! It was fun to catch up with the Smiths, have a great day, Cindy VanCapelle

Steph said...

Wow! what cool eyes! I love it! I love that everyone has different eyes! No two are alike!
That's cool!

Shauna- said...

Boyd has blue and I have brown. We have two blue, one brown and two in between. My oldest doesn't what to say when people ask what color his eyes are. They are blue, green and light brown.... What does that equal at the DMV?

All I know is that they are beautiful.