Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dallin, Adam, and I were sitting on the couch looking through a Thomas the Train pamphlet/ad and Adam says, "Thomas is coo--Thomas is awesome." He has been calling things awesome ever since, it's like he decided in that moment to make the conscious decision that he now wants to call things awesome instead of cool. And what's really great is that he says it so matter-of-fact without too much emphasis or emotion. That's just how it is.

Thomas is awesome.

After hearing Adam say "Thomas is awesome" a couple of times Dallin smiles and jokes, "Thomas S. Monson?"

And I have to laugh at Mark for this one. This was actually said a couple of months ago but I just came across the scrap of paper I wrote it on and laughed again.

Mark to Dallin: "That was funny like the first two times. And you did it six times. So how many times was it not funny? Like four times. That's called subtraction."

And lastly, I asked Dallin to take Owen's dirty bib to the laundry today and as he did he said in a robotic voice: " I do not want any spit up on me. I am not programmed for spit up."

My kids are seriously hilarious. They get it from their dad.



Kathryn said...

whatever, marily. you are very funny yourself and your kids are totally a good blend of the both of you.

Lindsey said...

I just came across your blog so I thought I's drop a line. Your family is precious!