Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Six Months

Half a year, can it be so?


Oh how I love my little Owen.

What a sweet, sweet, baby you are. I often hear people call you beautiful, followed by some sort of disclaimer or explanation that baby boys can be beautiful too. And I agree, and don't mind people saying so, because you are beautiful.

You are not too anxious to exert yourself physically and that is just fine with me. Though I am trying to remember to let you have some tummy time because you need to work those little muscles. You hate tummy time and still sometimes your arms get in the way of you rolling over onto your back. For Family Home Evening last week we all made goals. Yours was to sit up all by yourself. We are working on it.
Your brothers love when I let you sit up on your own for a second or two until you timber over to one side or another to be caught by me. We like to call that game Owen Topple Tower.

You have been eating rice cereal for the last couple of weeks and you love it. You eat a lot of it and your little thighs are filling out because of it. I love those squeezable thighs. Once I can manage to get to the store we will start trying you on some other foods.

You suck on the first two fingers of your right hand.


You are playing with toys a lot, watching everything and everyone and getting quite grabby. Your brothers think you are the most entertaining thing ever. They love it when you smile or laugh at them and they think the little things you do are so funny. We love you Owen!

1 comment:

mishalee said...

Can our babies really be that close in age? Guess so. He's super sweet Marily.