Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Adam's Quotes

Marily: Dad is coming back with a new light bulb for your nightlight
Dallin: But I want my room totally dark
Marily: Adam doesn't want it dark, so the nightlight is going to be on
Dallin: I want my own room so I can have it totally dark!
Marily: Well, maybe you can buy another house so you can have your own room
Dallin: But, I don't even have enough money to buy a house.
Marily: Bummer.
Adam: Sometime I want to go to the brick store and buy Dallin some bricks for his new house.
~What a thoughtful little brother~

On Sunday morning Mark was getting Adam dressed for church.
Mark: Are you going to Primary today?
Adam: Yeah!
Mark: What do you do in Primary?
Adam: Hold still!

Owen was chewing on something like always and Adam says, "Owen is an eaty baby, 'cuz he eats all sorts of stuff. If Owen was in a battle he would swallow the robots all up."
"We went to the park lasterday."
The word "lasterday" pretty much means any day before today. And I refuse to correct him on this one because it's so funny and cute when he says it.


Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

Great quotes! Did he hold still in primary?

Tanya Leigh said...

Lasterday is perfect.

Way to document, Mama! I was laughing out loud :)