Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Still Going Strong


February 28th Mark and I celebrated our seventh anniversary. I have a great husband. Did you know that he rubs my shoulders at least every other night? Don't get jealous.

My mom was nice enough to come watch the boys on Friday night so we could go out on a big date: dinner at Serrano's and the musical Guys and Dolls at Hale Centre Theatre. Both Mark and I thought the musical was awesome by the way if you are interested in seeing it. The best part about the musical though must have been being able to hold my husband's hand for a good two hours or more.

Although this may tarnish Mark's good name, I will tell you the story of how we came to be engaged. Perhaps you've heard it? It doesn't get told often, so you're a special soul if you have heard it.

Mark asked me to marry him in the basement of his parents' house while we were watching an ASU football game. He had the ring and everything. Actually, he'd expected some of his friends to be there too when he casually whipped a ring out and surprised his girlfriend who he's never had the "marriage talk" with. Good thing his friends weren't there, because it would have been quite embarrassing for everyone when I didn't say yes. Is this confusing? Let's start over.

We went over to Mark's parents' house to watch the football game. We were sitting downstairs alone with the game on as we chatted over it. Somehow, the subject got onto "if we got married." It was all silly talk about funny themes for a wedding reception (clowns?) and bad color choices etcetera. We had never talked about whether or not we might get married before so this was a funny/awkward/nervous/exciting conversation (at least that's how I remember feeling). He pulled out a huge toy ring with a big blue gem and slid it onto my finger. I was trying to figure out where that ring came from, because Mark has younger sisters but the youngest was maybe 12 at the time and too old to have dress-up clothes. I thought he must have planned this and not just picked up the ring somewhere around their house. I think I remember saying something about him getting a blue tuxedo to match the ring. He started saying the ring wasn't going to work and then he pulled out a diamond ring from his pocket and said, "Maybe this one would be better." It was obvious what was happening, but I said nothing because I was trying to make sure I wasn't jumping to conclusions. I remember sitting in silence for a while as I tried to compute it all. He must have asked me to marry him sometime during that time but I don't remember the words he used. And no, he didn't kneel, he just sat there on the couch in front of the football game. Silence from me still until I finally said, "I just thought we'd talk about it first." And so we decided that we'd talk about it and we left the house to go for a walk around the neighborhood. I don't remember that conversation. Probably a good thing.

This was Veteran's Day weekend, November of 2002. This gave me an extra day before having to go back to work and school to figure out if I was going to marry Mark. I remember having an emotional couple of days. I pulled out old journals and looked for lists I'd made as a teenager of what I wanted in a husband and comparing them to Mark. I prayed a lot. I don't know what I was waiting for, a big epiphany, or hammer on the head of divine guidance, I don't know. But something. I was waiting for something. Then Monday morning came and I knew. Something happened and that morning I just knew that marrying Mark would be a great thing. I realized that I had been guided in my relationship with Mark from the start and I had been getting divine guidance all along the way. I remember talking to my good friend Rebekah about this that day. Do you remember this conversation Bekah? It seems so long ago. Mark had a long day working two jobs and I didn't get to see him until after 10pm that night. We were in the front of my house when I put my arms around his neck and told him "Let's get married." He said, "Really?" and I said, "yes." Then he asked me at least once or twice more to make sure I was serious. We drove back to his apartment so he could get the ring and I waited outside by his car in the parking lot while he snuck around his roommates to get the ring and bring it back. He knelt down on the asphalt by his little green Hyundai and asked me to marry him. This time I said yes.

Thank goodness I made the right choice. And I don't really feel too bad for leaving Mark feeling totally lost for three days because come on, he might have done a better job with a serious proposal to help things out. And lest you think he is not romantic nor creative, let me assure you that he has many times proven otherwise. But could you ask him what he was thinking asking me to marry him in his parents' basement with a football game going in the backround? I still don't really understand.

I've looked back on that experience and shivered at the thought of not making the right choice. Though actually, if I'd not known at that moment I should marry Mark it would have eventually become clear I am sure. We are just perfect for each other. I couldn't have known then how wonderful our life would be together. What an awesome thing it is to be married to your best friend who supports you and loves you and thinks the world of you. If more marriages were like that this world would be a much better place.

Here's to many, many more years!


Burgess said...

Congrats! That's a hilarious story. Guys don't have a clue sometimes.

On a side note -- I haven't forgotten that you want your pictures fixed and I'm trying to get Zane to do it. Poor guy is so busy with work and school and pictures, he forgets a lot. So I hired myself as an assistant. This was a long way of telling you -- it will be done soon, I promise.

Hannah said...

Congratulations Marily! What an awesome story. Thanks for sharing!

simplyshye said...

That is a GrEAT stoRY -- and I knoW of the 100 LisT ... I mentionED that to JAy - But i haven't seen #1 Yet . lol
ThankS for the ExamplE marK ! I totALLY agrEE - YOu Both are PERFECT for each other . I lovE IT !

Kathryn said...

Marily - I'm glad Mark got you. You are great for each other and you make cute boys. Good boys for future arranged marriages.

I still remember you telling me that when I was contemplating marrying Ryan that there was no faith if my answer was a lightning bolt. Thanks for being my friend.

Crazy Petersens said...
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Tanya Leigh said...

You two ARE perfect for each other :) Happy Anniversary!!

Larry and Karri said...

How sweet! Thanks for sharing your story. Congrats on 7 years and 3 WAY cute little boys. Sometimes it seems a little weird that you married one of my neighbors that I grew up with. Mark is the same age as my older sister, so it kinda feels like you married my brother. Anyway, tell him I said hi.