Sunday, September 26, 2010

And Adam is Four

We love Adam.  And he had a birthday.  Here are some things that we love about Adam:

Adam has the greatest smile ever.  Ever, I tell you. 

When he is upset it is easy to make him feel better by doing something to make him laugh.  We'll tell him something funny Owen did or if he's throwing a tantrum we might say, "You must be joking," and lots of times he'll smile and laugh at himself. 

He is a great little singer.  His teachers have told us he is the loudest singer in junior primary (kids 3-8), though he is one of the youngest.  He remembers songs easily and is almost nonstop singing throughout the day.  He can even sing most of the Fifty Nifty United States song.  You should ask him sometime, I'm sure he would love to sing it to you.

We had a little party with a few of his friends.  A few weeks prior Adam had told us he wanted to do a "Race Car Water Party."  He said, "The race car team goes 'zoom!' and the water team goes 'swish!'"  In my mind I couldn't figure out how to do that but as time went on he was still insisted that he wanted a Race Car Water Party so we figured out a way to make it work.  Mainly, it was race cars.  I got most of my ideas from other blogs I searched.  I wish I had saved the links to credit but I didn't.  (I love using Google Blog Search for this kind of stuff.)

The game below is where we incorporated Adam's dream of having a race car team and a water team.  The goal: race car team runs around the "track" while the water team tries to pelt them with water balloons.  Simple, strange, but surprisingly fun.

This is one of the fun things I did: I printed out little labels for the kids' drinks.
And that is the conclusion.  Thanks for stopping by.


Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

very cute and very fun. I bet they had a BLAST! I love the cake.

Jennie said...

Amazing! The cake is awesome!! Adam is so creative, what a fun idea! I love the popcorn totes with race car print paper too.

Bethany said...

Daniel had such a fun time. Now HE wants a race car party like Adam. (Well, that and a Spiderman party and a whatever else party he may come up with next week.) Atleast we have a couple more months before we have to settle on ONE kind of party. You do such a great job on all of the planning and decorations for your boys. I'll have to ask for ideas when we officially decide.

Karen said...

The cake looks amazing!

Marily said...

Thanks! I saw that on someone else's blog who happened to have a four-year-old and I had to try it. Pretty simple as far as cakes go. I couldn't find paper with the simple checker design so I just printed it on my computer.