Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Child's Prayer

I have been relishing listening to my little boys pray. Here' s my best recollection of the most recent ones:

ADAM (insert tw0-year-old voice here):
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank for families. And thank for people. And thank for safe. And thank for Jesus. And thank for Jesus song. And thank for Heavenly Father song. And thank for twinkle song. And thank for teach me to walk in the light song. In the name of Jesus Christ. A. . . . NEM!" Sometimes he will also take a minute to look around the room while he is praying and add a thank you list of what he sees: "Thank for Dallin's bed. And thank for Adam's bed. And thank for window. And thank for fan," etc.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day, and thank you for this beautiful world and all the beautiful things. Thank you that my mom is having another baby brother. And please bless the baby to be healthy and to do good at the hospital. And please bless my mommy to be good pregnant."
I know part of it is that Dallin is trying to please his mom by saying these nice things while I am listening, but it's still sweet.


K said...

i love listening to my kids pray, too. and i love all the things they are thankful for!! teaches me a thing or two about gratitude.

mishalee said...

prayer time is one of the most rewarding parts of being the mom and brightens my day. thanks for sharing your boys sweet prayers. i love how kids are so good at thanking heavely father for all sorts of things and rarely ask for much.

Kathryn said...

Hey Marily, I guess this comment is for your previous post, but I was also thinking on that Friday that I really needed to grab a picture with you, but didn't want to do it while there was a big crowd. I really thought, oh, there will be plenty of time.

Maybe we can photoshop one.

Thanks for being a good friend and for the happy birthday text. I'm glad my girls are going to grow up around a crop of good boys.

Bishop Family said...

That is so cute I can't wait till my boys can talk. I hope they say cute things like that.

Ashley said...

My daughter Patty is just learning to pray on her own. It is so special to hear her talk to Heavenly Father. Good to see your blog Mark. Keep in Touch! I am on Facebook.

Ashley Matteson