Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Happenings

We had a great Easter, hope you did too.
Here's the one picture of us "at" the Easter Pageant. Except it is when Owen and I stayed behind in the car for a feeding and a diaper change. He was accidently looking very stylish this particular day. Somehow random pieces of gifted or clearance items came together quite well and I took a picture before I changed him into his warm jams for the pageant.


We went to the neighborhood egg hunt where children wash down the water retention area and clean it of the thousands of eggs scattered about.



We pulled our couch into the dining room where the computer is to watch General Conference online.


Dallin took this one:

And we ate dinner with the Smith family. Aunt Stacey and Grandpa were doing their best to help me get a shot of the little guys on Easter.

Owen was not cooperative.

And Adam was not cooperative.

Owen got an egg to distract him.

And Grandpa was hilarious waving a hose over there.


Does this one work? Two out of three kids smiling at the camera isn't so bad, right?
Pictures can be deceiving anyway.

1 comment:

Mom's da Bomb! said...

Hey, Dallin's getting pretty good. He even got everyone in! Good job, Dallin!