Friday, April 16, 2010


The pediatrician called today with the results of Owen's blood work from yesterday.  I was surprised to hear the pediatrician's voice on the phone instead of a nurse.  He said that Owen's C O 2 levels were a bit low which might mean he was dehydrated, and also that his triglyceride levels were really high, 729 instead of 150 or below.  So we are going back for another blood test in a few weeks and hoping this one was a fluke.  If the next set of results are similar then we will be referred to a specialist.  I don't still know what it all means, but what I have gathered is high tryglicerides usually go along with high cholesterol (which Owen doesn't have).  It seems to be a symptom of, and lumped in with, other ailments that are often caused by being overweight (which Owen obviously isn't) like heart disease and diabetes.  Sometimes high triglycerides are hereditary and have to be monitored for life, and I don't know what that all entails so hopefully that's not the case here.  The websites I've read about this say a person can lower their triglycerides by eating healthier: less fat, especially saturated fats.  But obviously that's not exactly meant to be advice for an infant, let alone one that is below the growth chart.
Well, maybe the prognosis of Owen's blood test that was done yesterday is bad mothering?  Not that I would go so far as to say that I am a bad mother, but I am feeling a little bit that way today.  Mark reminded me that the night before Owen's blood was drawn we'd eaten at Chik-fil-A and we'd given him some little pieces of the meat of the fried chicken strips, perhaps the most fatty meal he's eaten yet.  So maybe this was just a spike because of the chicken.  And I am going to start supplementing with a little formula (which also feels a little like a failure) to make sure he has enough milk.  We're going to have to be a bit more cautious about Owen's meals in general, making sure he eats at fairly regular times and has plenty to eat each time.   

Anyway, boring post, but thanks for listening.


Kathryn said...

whatever, my heart is racing for you. I really hope everything is fine.

But one thing to remember, how often do they check babies' blood? Leta and Annie are low weight but they haven't had their blood checked. I wonder if this is something that is more common but isn't known to be that common, because most babies don't get their blood taken. Just something to think about.

You are NOT a failure. You are a great mom.

Anonymous said...

That is scary I know. The last person who needs to question your mothering skills is you. It sounds like it is nothing too serious and you have nothing to feel guilty about. He is a healthy, happy, lucky boy.

Larry and Karri said...

Don't kid yourself - you are a great mom and your posts prove it. :) I hope everything turns out to be okay with Owen. Good luck!

The Blakes said...

I hope you figure out what's going on soon! Don't be too hard on yourself. (Easier said than done.)

melanddebby said...

♥oh how we worry over our 'babes' even when they get all grown up (especially when they are 'little' like yours!!)...just as we cannot make ALL choices (free agency) for our children we cannot have total responsibilities for health issues(remember Heavenly Father is in charge of such & He is our Master Healer)Owen is in the arms of loving caring parents(PLS don't be hard on yourself)-This health concern will work out!!! How blessed we are to live in times when we can seek & find answers on behalf of our 'babes'!
DO YOUR BEST and continue to LOVE♥

Trina said...

i aspire to be as good a mom as you. don't be hard on yourself (easier said then done) he is clearly a happy baby!

iheartmesa said...
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Marily said...

You are all so nice. Too nice, some of you :) But it does make feel a little better to hear your support.

Tanya Leigh said...

MAN! Hopefully it was just that extra-greasy chicken that threw him off. We'll be praying for ya.

HELLO! You are SUPER MOM! Giving up milk products cold-turkey for the little dude. (among other amazing things) You are inspiring, and I am thankful to claim friendship with you.

Amanda, David and Iris Linae said...

Even though we may not see eye to eye on pretty much everything, one thing I hope we can agree on is that you are an absolutely amazing Mother. More than likely the most amazing Mother that I have ever had the pleasure to have met. You are truly an inspiration to me as a parent and if you are questioning your parenting skills what does that say for the rest of us? Keep your head up. YOU ARE AMAZING.

ShaunaMahana said...

Sis dear, I'm sure that once he starts eating more dairy, he'll grow and put on more (healthy) weight. You are a stellar mother and your children adore you. As do I!!!