Friday, August 29, 2008

A letter to the Maverick

Dear Mr. McCain,

Until now I have kept my mouth shut. You are definitely not the candidate that I would have liked to win the Republican nomination. In fact, I would have been excited to vote in the general election for pretty much any of the other candidates that you somehow won out over. But you, Mr. McCain, I am not excited to vote for you. And I am not alone. I am convinced that nearly the entire Republican party feels this way. We are not excited. Yet, we will vote for you because we have no other choice. And you know it. You are taking advantage of the real conservatives because you know that nothing in this tangled planet of ours could get a conservative to ever cast a vote for Barack. And so we must vote for you. What else is there to do? It's like the choice between jumping in a mudhole full of leeches verses jumping in a pit of quicksand. Yeah, the leeches make us cringe but the quicksand will choke the breath out of us.

So I have kept my mouth shut until I heard about your choice for running mate. Just shoot us while we're down, why don't you? It seems as if you took every criticism you have ever found against Barack and used those items as criteria for choosing a running mate. What were you thinking? Inside my hopeful heart I had assumed you would actually choose a real conservative that would turn your ticket into something that I could at least swallow. But no, and again I feel taken advantage of.

Do you remember a few weeks ago when you aired the commercials about Obama being a more of a celebrity than a good choice for president? I was right there with you! I mean, does it somehow make you more qualified to be the president of the United States if you and your wife can pull off a fist bump?! Why is this news? But now with your choice of running mate we have to hear about the beauty pageant runner-up and her poor children who were named after her favorite encylopedia articles.

Probably I'm jumping to conclusions and need to actually do some research about her, but I'll just start by being rash.


A Real Republican,

Marily Smith
A note to my three readers: I apologize. Not to McCain, but to Sarah Palin. I got just a little bit of news from what I read off the Yahoo homepage, not exactly the best resource for getting the whole story. Mostly I was annoyed with McCain, and I jumped to conclusions. I think I expected the worst. Fortunately, I once I heard Palin speak and learned more about her from better sources I was impressed and pleasantly surprised. Sorry. I'll expect more from myself from now on.....


Kathryn said...

I'm with you on the Maverick. That's why I have a NOBAMA sticker on my car, cause I'm not really pro McCain, I'm just against Obama. But I do kinda like McCain's pick for VP. I think she is a little inexperienced, but she is only the VP. VP's don't have a ton of power anyways. I think she is really conservative and brings a new approach. I like that she is a governor. Give power back to the states. I like that a mom could be in the white house. Plus she supports drilling in Alaska, which I think we should have done years ago to stop giving money to the middle east. She is also the ultimate example of pro-life by choosing to have a Down Syndrome baby. Sure I would have liked a Romney VP, but McCain and Romney would have been a tuff sale.

Also, thanks for you little reply on my mom. I know she'll love it. You have a nice way of making people feel loved.

Anonymous said...

Being that I haven't yet checked the latest on the liberal media news outlets (i.e. all the major news organizations) I have a more positive viewpoint of Sarah than my wife does. I am very encouraged that McCain picked a conservative and I think it will rally lots of regular folk to the campaign.

I love the quicksand/leeches analogy! Nicely written. Just one more thing I love about you! ;)


Anonymous said...

I need to research her as well, but so far I like what I hear about her. My first choice would of been Romney for Pres or Vice, but I think Mccain changed his mind last minute. I like that she isn't super loaded with money has five children and loves hanging out with her family including hunting and hiking (the hunting not so much for me, but my Dad is a hunter so....) She has one house, which is all you need. She moved into this corrupt town in Alaska and fought the Mayor to change it, where she eventually replaced him. A lot of people like her because she knew before birth she was going to have a child that was disabled (I am not sure in what way), and kept the child no questions asked despite what others told her to do. That is all I have heard of her thus far, and if I have to say she sounds like a quality candidate. It could definitely be worse.

Carolyn said...

LOVE Sara Palin! I think McCain was very smart in his choice and it makes me start to like him--sorry, but I have to admit the truth. She is much more consevative that Romney was when he was govoner--he used to be for abortion rights ya know. Her son joined the military on SEPTEMBER 11--to me that shows her and her husband must have been doing something right. And he will soon be deployed to Iraq. The only thing I think might be a minus is her lack of experience and foreign policy, but McCain has both so I think it's a great balance. I am super excited to see her debate Biden--oh yeah! I could go on, but I think you'll like her more as you get to know her more.

Marily said...

Thanks everyone for setting me straight on Sarah Palin. It made it easier than not actually having to research her myself :)

Amanda, David and Iris Linae said...

I posted a whole blog on my page in response to this blog. I am very passionate on this issue. p.s. why am I not on your list of blogs on your blog!!??

Amanda, David and Iris Linae said...

Obama says he will work to rebuild the economy, stop shipping jobs overseas, rebuild the schools that have suffered from the needless war, find new sources of energy other than off-shore drilling, and make it more affordable for middle class and poor families to buy food and necessities. He plans to correct immigration laws that will support an important part of our economy.

Amanda, David and Iris Linae said...

He supports stem-cell research which will advance the study of incurable diseases. He personally is pro-life, but believes that every woman should have their God given right to choose. He personally believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but believes that every man and woman should be given the right to decide that for themselves. Gay couples are going to exist whether you like it or not. Why not give them the legal rights they deserve as fellow Americans?

McHalffeys said...

One of the saddest trains of thought that has worked its way into the mindset of the popular thought of the people in the United States. Well, follow this line of thought and answer to yourself the folowing question:

In America, are you allowed to beat your wife?...

Are you alowed to beat your kids?...

Are you allowed to kill your wife?..

Are you allowed to kill your kids?...

Now which political party gets the credit for being "compassionate".

I don't get emotional about many things, i'm a prety even keel kind of guy, but thinking of this makes my hands shake. We HAVE to elect conservative Presidnets that will nominate conservative Supreme Court Judges.

Bart McHalffey


Watch for Gov. Palin in the future. If she debates well she will go on to be a major player in the future. So far I like what I see. Historicaly, Senetors don't get elected to the Office of President, Governors do. Executive expierence means a lot; which no one else, on either ticket, has. She reminds me of Ronald Reagan, who is in my opinion, the best we've ever seen.

Marily said...

Thanks for sharing, Bart, good to hear from you! Just wondering, which train of thought exactly are you talking about? Just wasn't sure, thanks.