Saturday, August 16, 2008


In case anyone's interested, my sis alerted me to this one.:
Alberton's has lots of stuff on sale for $1 and $1.50 each if you buy eight. Then, you can find coupons for quite a few of these items on the Box Tops for Education website. This makes some items super cheap: Fruity cheerios for 75 cents, Gogurt $1, Cookie mix 50 cents, etc. Albertson's sale good til Tuesday and only one reward :( (after you buy 8 items) per customer. Maybe I'll have to squeeze in two trips in the next couple of days.


McHalffeys said...

Thanks for the info! I am going to see if that applies here too.

Luvs ya!

Our Paper Plates said...

I love Albertsons sales! Sometimes it's a hit or miss..but usually it is a hit! :)