Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Other people's blogs

Though I am not quite up there with the true blogaholics, I have done my share of blog-hopping. I find myself addicting to checking out who has posted something new. There are a few blogs that I find myself checking time and time again. What's wrong with this? Well, it's fine if they are friends or family members' blogs, but sometimes they are total strangers. And, I'm not just talking about total strangers whose blogs appeal to the public with titles like "Kooking for Kids" or "I ALSO Like to Make and Sell Baby Stuff." I am talking about people's personal blogs about themselves and their family. Why am I interested in other people's lives like this? Sometimes it is because someone is simply great at writing and their blog is entertaining to read. And sometimes, or at least in the case of two or three of these blogs that I secretly spy on, it is because That Girl is so much cooler than me. She wears clothes in colors that I would never feel cool enough to wear, she gives her children names that disregard phonics, and she makes even the dummest things look awe-inspiringly awesome by the pictures she takes with her fancy camera.

1 comment:

Our Paper Plates said...

I am in the same boat with you :)I chalk it up to being "educational" I have actually found some awesome and inspirational interior design ideas by reading complete strangers blogs. Its so fun!