Monday, February 23, 2009

Homeade Giveaway

You've probably been seeing these all over by now, but I finally decided I wanted to do one. You see, Rachel makes really cute aprons, and I would like one.

The first 3 people to respond to this post
will get something homemade by me!

Like any good giveaway, there are restrictions and limitations, as follows:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. I get to choose, you just get to receive!

2. What I create will be made just for of a kind!

3. It will be done this year.....hopefully sooner, rather than later.

4. The gift may or may not be edible, wearable or recyclable!

5. In order to be a winner, you must re-post this on your blog. The first 3 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did will receive one FABULOUS homemade gift by me! After I choose the winners, you can send me your mailing address!
Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you receive it!

Don't take these rules all too seriously.

Here's a clue as to what I might be up for making, because, let's face it all I do that's somewhat "creative" anymore is cook.

A dinner for your family

Maybe when I finally get around to canning some meats I'll give you a few jars for your food storage

Man, is that all I can do?

Give me some ideas folks and I'll be happy to oblige you with what you'd like.


Kathryn said...

Hah, I'm the first. Oh, I think you're having boys because my girls will need fine young men to marry in the future. (We'll see if we are up to 4 girls...maybe tommorrow. See you then.)

simplyshye said...

HI !!! K - i already have something sorta like this on mine BUT it's NOT homemade ... and you do homemade MUCH better thans me
:-) ... so if your in - i'm in !

Bekah Jennings said...

Yes! I am number 3! Still no baby. Soon. Maybe you can bring dinner then? Just kidding. I just want to see what you do! I'm posting your pay it forward gift on my blog now.