Sunday, February 15, 2009

You've Got to Plant It to Kill It

Introducing the Smith family's very first garden.

We thought for our first try we'd start out small. That way if we kill everything it's only a small amount of everything.

Here's what we planted: 3 tomato plants, parsley, basil, peppers (jalapeno and serrano) and from seed we did snap peas, zuchinni, and spinach. We'll see what happens. There was also a plastic ball planted in one square. And some random beans and seeds which were gathered in pockets from off the garden center floor and then made it it to various spots in our yard.

We used the square foot method and we still have six more squares in which to plant something interesting. Will our garden survive?

Only time will tell.


Caroline C. Bingham said...

You should do lettuce. It grows fast and you can plant it in patterns like a quilt...

Bekah Jennings said...

I just bought some brand new zucchini and yellow squash seeds, if you want some of those. I have had GREAT success with zucchini in my square foot garden.

McHalffeys said...

Wow, neato! Bart & I watched that show on the BYU channel and we want to do it too! That is so neat that you guys did that.