Monday, February 16, 2009

The Lord Will Provide

I remember a few weeks ago having a discussion with Mark about how much there is to worry about in this world and what we would do if there was a major disaster, etc. Of course I was the one with all the worries, and he mainly just listened to me but we'll still call it a "discussion." I mentioned that we are trying to do all of the right things like save our money and store food and water in case of an emergency and yet it seems like we are so behind in relation to people that are older than we are. I felt like being fairly new in the game we've kind of just gotten settled and started to get a handle on some of these things but it almost wasn't fair if there was an emergency at this point in our lives because if only we had another five or ten more years we'd be in a better position to handle something. We've got a decent amount of food, but there's lots more to do.

Yesterday the bishop of our ward challenged the congregation to go for a week living off of what we had on hand and not to go to the store to buy food if we could help it. We're suppose to pretend as if there was an emergency and we couldn't buy anything. Probably along with others in the crowd I silently assessed what I had in my home. One of the first things that came to my mind were the four gallons of milk I had sitting in the fridge. I don't really know why I bought that much milk at one time--it just seemed like the right thing to do. In addition, I had bought a big flat of four dozen eggs just two days before. When was the last time I bought that many eggs at one time? Actually, never in my whole life. Also I had recently bought quite a stash of canned tomatoes in addition to our other food storage items.

That's when I realized that no matter what trouble comes, if I am on the Lord's side He will take care of me and my family. He will make sure we are provided for if I am listening to His voice.

Obviously this was not a real emergency and we would have survived this week without the extra eggs and milk, but this was a great reminder of what a kind, gracious Father we have. Just a simple blessing only to show me that He is watching out for me and cares about our family.

So this week should be interesting. Tonight we had the obvious: spaghetti, canned corn, and homemade bread. I am trying not to use any of the meat I have in my freezer and actually use mainly nonperishable food items. Mark and I figure that I can make refried beans and rice every night and at least our kids won't be unhappy.


Bekah Jennings said...

I loved this post! I have felt that same way so many times--being behind in the planning. And I think most of my "discussions" with Andy are just like yours :)

Carolyn said...

Hey--if you guys are interested, our ward is doing a breakfast an emergency preparadness fair this Saturday from 8-10. Our building is on 6th Ave just west of Gilbert. It would be fun to see all of you as well--and the breakfast will be yummny!

Our Paper Plates said...

So true! All we can do is our best and the Lord will make up the rest that we lack :) Its so funny that this has been on my mind as well. We were doing so well until I got pregnant and the sight of food made me ill. Oh well, there is always the second trimester to catch my food supply up in :)

The Allen's said...

you inspire me, it is true. why don't we hang out so some of your goodness wears off on me? love you