Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February Challenge

This month I am challenging myself to not buying ANY fast food. We don't eat the stuff very often, but if I am out running errands or coming home from somewhere around lunchtime I am often tempted to stop and get something. I usually succumb once, sometimes twice in a week. So, for one month I will refrain.

Makes it easier that it's a short month.

It's even a shorter month since I just thought of this today and it's already the 3rd. Let's pretend yesterday wasn't February yet, okay? Besides it was only small ice cream cones from McDonald's while we were waiting for Mark to finalize documents for his "new" car. Necessity, right?


Carolyn said...

What? Are you like a Democrat now or something??? Fast Food is totally American! Just kidding of course--good for you to have so many goals! :) And since we have our own dance parties sometimes maybe we would be cool enough to come to a public one???? Ella definitely has the moves--will you play The Wiggles?

Our Paper Plates said...

Oh - I need to take on this challenge. We dont eat out much - its usually when I haven't gone grocery shopping but desperately need to. I'll have to take on this challenge too...next month!