Monday, February 23, 2009


I 'd consider myself a goal-oriented person. This means--by my own definition--that I am oriented towards making goals. And I also try my best to keep them, but of course, this doesn't always happen. Dream big, I say. Even if you don't accomplish your dreams you are better off for having attempted to. Then, you eat a good breakfast and maybe tomorrow you can accomplish them. Here's an update (not that you're interested) on some of my more recent goals:

Do you remember SuperMom?
I still have LOTS of work to do to be like her. But I am proud that for a week I worked really hard at sticking to that routine. I realized many parts of that routine were great and I stuck with them, and other parts I just don't find as important to me right now. Bedtime, for instance, has gone back to 11pm, and I wake when the kids do. Which is early enough. But, I am reading my scriptures in the morning (most mornings) even though the kids are a bit of an interruption and this is a big improvement in and of itself.

Fast Food
February is almost over and I have not bought any fast food! Go me. Well, there was the one time that Mark and I went to the Temple and I had an intense craving for Pete's Fish and Chips onion rings (and Pete's sauce), but alas, it was Friday night, and kooky Pete does not serve onion rings on Friday nights. Could have saved me, but we went to Pirate's instead. Pirates is in danger of becoming my new best friend. Darn. Okay, so that was ONE time, but it was a date, right?

Food Storage Week
Last week our bishop challenged the ward members to live without buying food for a week and eat what was in our food storage. This went well-enough for us. I made bread, beans, homemade tortillas, and a few other fun things. I took it a little step further and decided to not buy anything at all last week. If my dear Mark hadn't gotten sick at the end of the week it would have worked. All the poor guy wanted was some saltines and 7-Up. Still, while he napped I debated for an hour or two whether or not I was going to go to the store to get it for him. Not because it wasn't totally understandable to do so, but because I wanted to go 100% with my commitment to not go shopping. In the end, my love for my husband won out. You owe me, babe. Just kidding, glad you're feeling better.


Bekah Jennings said...

Andy once read about a guy who wouldn't buy anything for a month, but he had it all wrong: if he had to buy something, he had his wife pay for it. You make so much more sense than that. I'm glad you posted follow-up on your goals; I actually was wondering how your week without the store went. My mom's family was asked to do that once from the pulpit, and like 2 people brought them dinner that week. Not very realistic for them, but fun.

Tanya Leigh said...

You go, Girl. Our stake president has asked us to pray & read scriptures every day, for the rest of our lives. A real, honest effort to do so (because we already know we SHOULD). As goals of that nature can be discouraging as you fall behind, he gave some REALLY great advice:

"Don't think about yesterday. Start with TODAY, and move forward."

It has really helped me overcome the guilt of falling behind. Start with TODAY! Yeehaw.