Friday, March 13, 2009

First Harvest

Kind of cheating, but it was still pretty rewarding to go outside yesterday and snip a few leaves off of my parsley plant for our spaghetti sauce. And, we've got a few nickel-sized green tomatoes growing, yay! This weekend we make a real tomato trellis. The trellis in the picture was a leftover from the last owners of the house.


McHalffeys said...

I can't believe you did the square-foot garden- what a dream! Bart and I have been wanting to do that for a while now, since we saw the show on the BYU channel. You are so blessed and such a sweet, wonderful family. I miss you all terribly. Loves.

Lindy said...

ok so the craziest thing just happened, i was just remembering our stupid random thoughts from 8th grade or 9th grade and thinking i need to find marily and then i found you like 3 seconds later

Tanya Leigh said...

Color me GREEN! (and I'm not talking about my thumb ;) I am totally planning on planting this week! Look at you!!

Hannah said...

I can't resist, I think it might look good with some bacon. Hope this makes you smile!