Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sneak Peak

Last week we were waiting in the lobby of the Arizona Museum for Youth for my cousin and her kids. I had nothing else to do so I filled out a form to enter their drawing for Monsters vs Aliens tickets. Also, the kids both drew monster pictures that may go up on the wall at the museum for an upcoming exhibit inspired by the movie.

Yesterday I was reading Adam a story in his room getting him ready for nap when I heard my phone ring. I decided to let it go to voicemail but instead Dallin answered. After a minute he hadn't brought the phone to me so I ran out to see who it was and he yelled, "I won tickets to see Monsters vs Aliens!" What? I grabbed the phone and sure enough it was someone from the museum telling us we'd won tickets to the early release of the movie. At first I thought Dallin's drawing of a monster had won the tickets, but then I remembered that it must have been the other type of drawing, the one that actually had our phone number on it. I am crediting my secret folding trick for winning. You'll have to ask in person if you want to know--and still I'll only tell you if I really like you.

We had a great time going to the movies together--our first time actually as a family of four. Apparently we don't get out much.

And since we didn't pay for the movie, we actually bought some popcorn. Good thing we bought a lot because Adam couldn't be separated from it. He looked so funny holding a popcorn tub that was nearly half his size. (This doesn't show that proportion so great, I had to be sneaky with my camera, you know.)

Only after Dallin already knew we won tickets to the movie did I find out it was PG (for action violence, crude humor, and mild language). If you need a parental review of the movie here is what I remember from the movie that stood out as inappropriate for kids:
  • Lord's name taken in vain (one time I think)
  • Guy pulls his pants down and scans his rear to get in through security
  • Word "boobies" was used

And maybe another thing or two that I can't remember at this point. Use your own discretion. Fortunately my kids didn't notice these things (as far as I could tell) and they loved the movie. Mark and I thought it was great too though I don't think I would buy the movie because of the reasons listed above. But then again, when was the last time we actually bought a movie?


Mom's da Bomb! said...

Yay, I'm glad you guys won! How fun! And commenting on the movie-buying thing - most of us in this family rarely buy movies. Why would we need to - when we have Amanda to get them FOR us? Yay, and thanks, Amanda!

jeremyandcariss said...

okay i would like to take the credit for this adventure. if i hadn't been so incredibly late getting to the museum then you wouldn't have filled out that form!!! see--at least you got some pay back for my un-timely-ness (is that a word?)

Carrie Brown said...

Dallin was telling me at dance that day that he was going to see that. He was way excited. So fun to win tickets!