Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesdays Thoughts

Man, I have been tired lately. I feel bad complaining (or explaining) to Mark because he gets less sleep than I do. But then again, my job is manual labor and his isn't. That means something doesn't it? Not that we are competing or comparing, but anyway....

I'd better state for the record that potty training has had its highs and lows. Lately we've been going through some lows. Adam will do great for a few days then I think he gets tired of taking time out to use the potty. So, we've had some hard days which adds to me being tired lately. But at this point there is no turning back. We are in it for the long haul.

Did I never mention this? This is big news and deserving of its own post, but I feel like I am too late on this announcement anyway and I don't want to feel like I have to get to creative with a nice post of its own. Did I mention I was tired? Mark got his CPA designation. And it was a good couple of months ago. So, he deserves a mention because you know, the road through school and tests with a family is a long and tiring one. Mark, you're a champ. And me too, because I think I did something noteworthy also, even if it was only being lonely a bit while he was gone or studying. Good job Mark!!

On that note, who do you think does the taxes around here? Nope, it's me. And we buy Turbo Tax. Two reasons, Mark studied corporate financial accounting and not taxes so much. Thank goodness in a way, because we don't have to go through the tax-time craziness that tax CPAs do. And, by the time he does accounting and numbers all day he is not too excited to sit down at the computer to crunch numbers again. But I, with my manual labor and all, enjoy a break with some numbers at the computer. That's also why I do the budgeting around here. I do the spreadsheet and then Mark and I go over it together.

1 comment:

Lachelle said...

I hear ya on being tired! I think sometimes Danny doesn't understand why I'm always tired. He sits at a desk most of the day...I...don't. While he sleeps through the entire night...I...don't. We can both be tired together :)