Sunday, March 1, 2009


Look at this little person....

Isn't he gorgeous?

Before the recent ultrasound we had the old ultrasound pictures on our fridge of the baby at 11 weeks. Dallin would make mention that my tummy was getting bigger and then hurry to the fridge to see how the baby looked in the ultrasound. I had to explain to him that the pictures on the fridge didn't change as the baby changed. That would be cool technology. Or just Harry Potter-ish.

Speaking of growing, the spinach and pea seeds we planted sprouted about a week ago. It's the first time I've ever grown anything so it's pretty exciting, at least to me. The plants are a little bigger now, but these are the pictures I took last week when they were brand new. Yay for things growing!
Sweet Peas


And here are a couple of other pictures worth posting. They don't make sense on this post, but I bet we can stretch it.

Adam and Aunt Kerami making a salad together. Growing relationships.

Homemade tortillas, refried beans, and spanish rice. A food storage meal that I should have posted on an earlier post. I did Minute Rice this time because I was worn out from doing the beans and tortillas. But I just use a can of Ro-tel with the juices and cook it in there while the rice cooks. Super easy. Good food for growing boys, right? Right?


Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

Happy anniversary (a little late, but still... better late than never). I didn't know you were expecting. Congratulations! I'm excited for your family. Also, a big congratulations on your garden. I bet that feels good!

Anonymous said...

Some thougths:
You inspire me with the food storage thing. Now that I have room, where do I begin.
You haven't had fast food for a month and you are pregnant? That is amazing!
I can't wait to see what you are having.

Anonymous said...

Wait...I misread your post. I see you are calling the baby a "he" and you are past 11 weeks!? Silly me of course you are! How awesome.

Carolyn said...

That was fun to read about you and Mark--I remember when you got pregnant the first time! Good old Alma 5th Ward...
Our peas are starting to come up as well, and the funny thing is that Sunny planted one all by herself and it is growing way faster than the ones we planted. Perhaps because she named in Penelope? Anyway, gardens are always fun--and so are babies!

Our Paper Plates said...

I love that you guys are growing a garden! I'll have to try the 1x1 garden idea, since our backgyard is TINY! I would love your recipe for homemade tortillas, though. When I don't actually get sick thinking/smelling food, I would love to try cooking more often!

Katie said...

Hi Marily, I wanted to stop by and thank you for coming by ABC and 123 and for becoming a follower of our blog. We really appreciate it and hope you will consider sharing some of the learning activities you do with your son.

Congrats on the upcoming birth of you second child, it's an exciting time! I still have the photo of my daughter's ultrasound in a frame my mom gave me and I can't seem to take it down even though I've had the real thing for over two years. There is just something so special about seeing your baby for the first few times!

jeremyandcariss said...

boys rule! yeah for you!!!! some day i will get on and catch up with you, but until then know that boys are the best and you will love every minute of having little men all around you all the time. you never have to worry about not being able to find a ball under your couch that's for sure...

The Vernon Mackeys said...

so fun seeing you put your food storage to use. The bishop would be proud. Love your blog!!

Carrie Brown said...

I love your garden-are'nt they fun? And happy anniversary and birthday. I even put it in my phone and forgot to call to wish you a great one. Sorry, but hope you had a great day!