Monday, May 17, 2010

this one's for me

Sometimes I wonder whether or not to write on the blog because I don't think anyone really wants to hear about all of the details of our lives. This is one of those posts. And not a single picture.

The boys went with Mark on a church father and sons campout over Friday night. It makes my heart swell to think of these boys spending quality time with their dad. Dallin and Adam got sleeping bags and a tent from their Grandpa Smith for Christmas and they were excited to have a chance to use them. On Wednesday night Mark pulled the tent out and the boys had a practice run sleeping in it overnight in the backyard. It's a 2-man tent so Mark figured he'd not sleep in it that night, but he slept on the couch in the back room with the door open. After they'd been asleep for a couple of hours Adam woke up screaming and crying frantically. Mark ran out to the tent and called out to Adam as he unzipped the door to reassure Adam that Dad was there. When Mark opened the tent door he couldn't see Adam. In the dark he saw just a writhing sleeping bag. Mark reached for it to find Adams feet at the top. Somehow Adam had turned himself completely around and woke up with his head at the foot of the sleeping bag. Traumatic if you're three. We hope he'll laugh about it later.

Friday afternoon Mark and the boys headed off for the campout. Sounds like they had a great time. Mark brought hot dogs and marshmallows to roast over a fire for dinner that night. Apparently that night all of the little boys at the camp were running around in the dark with their flashlights playing lightsabers. The next morning they had some breakfast and played games with everyone, and played in the creek. Then after they packed up the three of them went to Jack in the Box for lunch and drove home. I think Mark's favorite part was listening to Adam sing to himself wherever they went. He said Adam was like Kronk on Emperor's New Groove, singing his own personal soundtrack. Mark loves music so he really likes to see how much Adam is interested in and has a knack for music.

I think I had a pretty successful time with myself and Owen while the others were gone. I got some girl time. I got some Owen time. And I got some me time. Actually I did a bit of cleaning too, so that helps me feel even better about my time. Friday evening I got together with two friends from church who each had husbands and sons gone and a toddler left behind. We had dinner together and worked on some craft and sewing projects. I am trying to get back into doing some creative projects. I feel out of it--I use to really enjoy doing crafts and stuff and I just don't do it anymore. After I got home I stayed up way too late watching a movie all by myself and eating ice cream. I paid for that in the morning because of course Owen was up early. But the two of us had some good time just the two of us. For a while we just sat on the couch together. I let Owen crawl all over me and contort my face with his hands. In exchange he let me snack on his neck and tummy.

Saturday afternoon Mark and the boys got home. We washed the cars and then went to Chik-fil-A because I'd cleaned the house while they were gone and didn’t feel like dirtying the kitchen again. Overall--successful weekend. It's fun to have family time all together but I could get use to splitting up for some one-on-ones from time to time.

1 comment:

Paul and Rebecca Jones said...

sounds like a fun weekend. I'm glad you got to finish the movie. I want to finish it too! It was good.