Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lots of Boys Who Get Dirty

Recently I came across some goals Mark and I had made long ago, either just before or just after we got married. Under the category of "family" we had written, "Lots of boys who get dirty." I don't really remember making this "goal", and I don't think we were being 100% serious about being committed to having only boys, but I'm sure the gist of it was that we wanted our kids to be able to "be kids" and get dirty. Easy for someone to say that doesn't have kids, right? Am I the only parent who finds myself in the midst of an inner struggle when my kids start getting dirty? Do I stop them so I don't have to worry about the disaster and cleaning it up? Or, do I loosen up and let them have a good time?

Anyway, today we were painting a box into an airplane. When the paintbrushes got out of control I remembered that at one point I wanted little boys that got dirty. So today we didn't stop childhood. We got dirty.


Kathryn said...

On Monday night, we were driving down the major street by your house and I said to the girls "Wave hi to Marily and Mark and Dallin and Adam." I was saying that because I knew we would be passing by your house, but right as I said it, we saw you guys walking back to your house from your trip to the park. Funny huh. Sorry we didn't stop. We had a date with Krispy Kreme to get to.

I'm glad you're a mom who lets her boys get dirty. It builds character. At least that is what I tell myself.

Trina said...

what sweet lesson to be learned. thanks for that!