Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our First Stitches

Today was a sad day. We were at my sister Bethany's house. She has a large bay window in her living room with a window seat. Bethany and I were sitting up there and I lifted Adam up with us. He stood up and ran across the seat, tripped, then his face hit the corner of the window sill. It hit between his nose and his mouth and hit so hard that the wooden edge of the window sill cut his skin through. I cleaned him up, but he kept moving his lips up and down trying to feel his wound which made the thing gape open and I kind of got a little queesy because I am a wimp when it comes to my kids getting hurt. So we bandaged him and I left to go to the urgent care. I remember seeing a Phoenix Children's ER near my new house, so we drove off towards there. We didn't get very far before Adam ripped his bandage off. Fortunately, he was hardly bleeding by then, but I did not want him to drive for 15 minutes without a bandage on so I pulled over and put it back on. He continued to try to take it off, so I looked in the back of our car found some rope, and yes, I actually did tie my own child's hands together. I feel like a horrible mom, but what other choice did I have? So, we headed out, with Adam wailing in the back seat. Fortunately, he fell asleep after a few minutes. Unfortunately, it was raining outside and he woke up as soon as I pulled him out of the car at the Urgent Care. And yes, I did untie his hands before I brought him inside. But turns out, there are only specialty doctors there during the day and urgent care is only open from 5pm til 11pm. There was a doctor that saw him, said that he'd need some glue, but we'd have to go somewhere else to get it done. Fortunately, we only had to go a mile down the road to the next urgent care. By then, Mark had dropped what he was doing at work and met us at the 2nd urgent care. So, it was nice to be able to just worry about Adam while Mark stayed with Dallin. This doctor also said that he just needed glue, but so sorry, we don't have any and you will have to go somewhere else. So, we drove a few miles down the road to urgent care #3. What do you know that this one, the one that DID have the glue, would be the most inefficient and leave us waiting for an hour (with no one else in the waiting room, I might add). Finally, the doctor saw Adam and recommended stitches instead of just glue because of the location of the wound, and because Adam is young and active, he thought it would be better not to have to worry about glue ripping apart. So, I went with that, the stitches were traumatic to say the least (don't even ask) but I knew that's what needed to be done. I didn't mention that in waiting room #2 Adam had fell down and caused his wound to start bleeding again and I could easily imagine that glue not being sufficient. Anyway, sorry about all of the details. After 3 and 1/2 hours, we finally got home, we all took naps and felt much better about life. And, I didn't even cry. Nor did I throw up. Nor did I faint. But I got pretty close to all three of those things.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Marily, that is so sad. I don't know what I'll do with our first stiches incident. But I will say, I had to laugh histerically at you tying his hands with rope. You had me laughing for quite a while on that one. A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do.