Friday, September 5, 2008

Bet You Didn't Know...

...that the first time I registered to vote I registered as a Democrat.

You see, I'm not generally one to do something just because that's what everyone else is doing. I'm a bit of a rebel in that respect. So even though most of the adults I knew and respected were Republicans I wasn't going to follow just for the sake of following. Nearing my eighteenth birthday I looked into the parties and decided that I liked the Democratic party--mostly because of the concern for the individual. I liked the idea of helping those in need and giving to the poor. And, I must admit, it seemed kind of cool to register Democrat although my friends were most assuredly going to register Republican.

It didn't take too long before I realized that my values and ideals definitely were more aligned to the Republican party. My beliefs in protecting the traditional family, the sanctity of life, and the right for religious freedom were particulary on my mind. So I switched. In time to vote in the Republican primary in September of 2000. That meant my time as a Democrat was a mere six months.

Hopefully that doesn't come to haunt me if somehow I ever ended up running for office as Republican.
Photo credit here

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