Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dallin is Four

Four things that are cool about my four-year-old:

  1. He has a great memory. I have learned to not question Dallin when he is recalling something that I can't myself remember. I use to not believe him but if there's a way to check his story out he is always right. I've learned my lesson.

  2. He has a cute smile. I love the way his cute little chin gets pointy when he smiles.

  3. He has an affectionate side. He is boy through and through, but I sure love it that he still will at random say, "Mom, I love you." I've also noticed that when he sees mom and dad sitting close to each other he wants to share in the love, so he'll come cozy up to us also. Sweet.

  4. He's smart. Today he got a new helicopter to go with his Mega Rig set. This is the portion he already had:

He pulled out the instructions for the helicopter and figured out that the motor that connects on the bottom of his boat will connect to his helicopter and spin the propeller. He put the pieces together and came up with a motorized helicopter. Cool.

Happy birthday sweetcake. Hope you had a great day. Love, mom
And on another note...

Four years ago I was recovering from eighteen hours of labor and an emergency cesarean. I was traumatized physically and I was an emotional wreck. Yet in the midst of it all, I had been given a miracle. Any mother would tell you the same--no matter the sacrifice, whether it be bringing the child into the world, the struggles with adoption, or the difficulties that come in raising them, that sweet child is worth the price. And aren't we all glad our own mothers felt that way too? It's a very pure and selfless sacrifice because we do it for someone else.

Maybe in a very small way that's how our Savior feels about us. The sacrifice he went through was incredible to endure but oh so worth it to Him. Why? Not because of His own personal ambitions, but because of His love for us. To see when His children grow and learn and love God probably gives Him such joy. And to see us turn from Him must break His heart. He has spiritually begotten us. Now that I think of it this way it gives me a new perspective on this phrase in the scriptures.

I am grateful for my little babies. What else could teach you about Christlike love better than loving His little children?


Kathryn said...

Happy Happy Birthday Dallin dear. We're glad you got to enjoy a yummy cupcake and that you are so stinkin smart.
The Melzer girls

Amanda, David and Iris Linae said...

Happy Birthday Dallin!! I miss you guys so much!! I love you big boy!!