Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night *my husband I were totally mesmorized by this viral advertising that the makers of the new stop-motion movie Coraline had come up with. Sometimes we talk about advertisements and promotions--the cleverness, the ignorance, the good, the bad. We're nerdy like that.
They selected 50 bloggers and mailed them packages with a box containing items to promote the movie. Here is one blog that has catalogued these fascinating boxes found so far.

The first box I saw was this simple one. On her blog she does have a link to a really cool video about a lady who knit some miniature sweaters and gloves for the movie. Pretty good promotion though, when was the last time I wrote a post about a movie? Umm, that would be never.

*Was he just humoring me, or was he really interested himself, I can never be sure.


K said...

That show looks freaky to me. Of course that is just the opinion of one mother. Marketed as a child's movie. Because it is animated or computer generated... I disagree. Subject matter is what determines a movies appropriateness for children, not method of production.

Marily said...

Well yeah, I wouldn't take my little kids to it. But at least the blogs they marketed it to were not parenting blogs, they were crafting, book review, and other types.

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

that movie freaks me out. I saw the preview for it when I went to see Marly and Me, and it gave me a creepy, evil feeling.

K said...

BTW -- I was more blowing off steam about my disgruntled attitude toward the subject in general, not this movie in particular, and definitely not you. (I totally agree with you, good marketing tactic. Justin and I totally hash things over like that, too. We are your type of folks.) Bottom line: I really do not like the modern trend in animated children's movies. Sarcastic. Rude. Apathetic. Obnoxious. I don't wish my children to be any of the above, so why would I have them watch a movie that champions these characteristics. However, we can watch Incredibles ten times in a row without me even flinching. Greatness, not mediocrity, is worth a repeat.