Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Little Boyish Creativity

Dallin was feeling pretty creative this particular day.

Here he is making his own lunch:

And of course a fly-catcher:

One more short one, because Adam was feeling left out of camera time:


Kathryn said...

Marily, my appointment is at noon. I wish it was in the morning, that would be nice.

Also, I meant to comment on your supermom quest. Once upon a time I too was going for the gold in momhood. I got more done, it seemed like I had more time, my house was more organized, we had more fun. It was work, but I could sure see the blessings because after awhile it seemed like less work to be supermom than frazzled mom. Then I got pregnant and now that I'm not feeling as sick I'm trying to pick myself up by my bootstraps and try try again. Keep it up Marily. You really are a shining example to me.

Jasmine said...

I love the "really poison" fly catcher! He is so cute. How are you feeling? How is your pregnancy going?

Carolyn said...

I am just curious--did he EAT that lunch??????

Tanya Leigh said...

That is so cute. I have to say, KUDOS for actually figuring out what was in his little boy brain when he made that fly catcher. lol. I might not have gotten past the, "what in the world are you doing!?" ;)

Marily said...

Yes, he did eat it it, then went back and made seconds, and thirds. He's always been into mustard for some reason, but I can't figure out the cheese and honey....