Monday, July 28, 2008

Five Things to Make Me Smile

1. I finally got something up on the wall (at least on one wall) in my living room:
Here are my mirrors closer up:
2. The cute little guy in the picture above, he totally stole the spotlight. :)

3. The other day the boys were painting at the dining table. After they were finished and had moved onto something else I was cleaning up the table. I saw Adam's painting, but not Dallin's. I tried not to panic but couldn't help but imagine where Dallin might have left his painting, face-down, or at least dripping onto the carpet, the couch, who knows really. I went to the other side of the house to ask, "Dallin, where did you put your painting?" as calmly as I could. His matter-of-fact reply: "I just put it in the fridge to dry off."

4. Friday, July 25th might be a holiday for us. Anyone that has gone to school or has had a spouse through school while trying to raise children my hat is off to you. On Friday, Mark just took his last CPA exam and is done with classes and tests my friends. Done. Well, technically he still needs to submit his application to be completely done, but the classes and tests are definitely over. He got his masters through Devry's Management school, Keller, which was really a great fit for him. The classes were integrated with CPA prep and he found himself able to implement a lot of what he learned into his work. We are really blessed that he had the opportunity to go back to school. We are even more blessed that he's finished! YEAH!! I was putting the kids to bed when he came home from his test on Friday night and was kicking myself for not getting him something, not even a carton of ice cream for my sweet husband who has been so dedicated. Then, I saw these on the counter:
He'd brought ME flowers, just as he'd done every time that he'd finished one of his four CPA exams.

5. This morning I'd dug out a pair of sandals from storage. They use to be Dallin's and I was trying them on Adam to see if they fit yet. Dallin asked, "Adam, are those your running sandals?" Adam said more clearly than I've ever heard him speak before, "No. Walking sanals."


Carolyn said...

Thanks for sharing your fun stories!

Our Paper Plates said...

Its so funny how things on your wall make your house feel more like home :) Love, love, love your stories!