Monday, July 7, 2008

Mike Rowe on QVC

Apparently Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs use to be a late-night QVC host. He is absolutely hilarious. Here he is selling a Precious Moments figurine. Can you believe he got away with this?


Mom's da Bomb! said...

It's pretty funny how Mike Rowe keeps popping up, in a couple of places you'd least expect to see him. He's becoming a celebrity, as well as a TV show icon. It's also interesting that they'd let him say that stuff on national TV, but I thought it was pretty cute.

Tanya Leigh said...

Wow, that's funny. I wonder how long he lasted on QVC after that ;) I guess he's still the same - but found a better outlet.

McHalffeys said...

I love him! Wow, he sure looks different in that video. Too funny...