Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Fourth

This year we went down to Mark's office to watch fireworks. It was just the right amount of festivities for us. I wasn't really in the mood this year for braving a big crowd with children in tow, yet we still wanted to celebrate the holiday. His office is right off Tempe Town Lake and we had a decent view of the fireworks from the large windows of the executives. We brought along some good friends who we don't see too often anymore so that made it even more fun.

The kids were set up on the desk by the window and everyone else fit in where they could get a good view.

Air-conditioned fireworks. Perfect.
Also, you'll notice the boys are sporting some new capes. They got these from Grandma Smith and uncle and aunts who recently visited Magic Mountain. Could there be a more perfect gift for these boys? As Adam told his uncle Ryan, "Thank you for the Superman cape from the mountain!"
Hope you had a great holiday!


DT Young Family said...

I am not opposed to A/C fireworks! We were sweating to death watching some. Good thing its just once a year. Glad you had fun!

mishalee said...

And thank you so much for letting us tag along! We had a blast. :o)