Monday, July 27, 2009

Two Weeks

Check out this little guy:
Today he is two weeks old. I find myself hoping the newborn stage will last for forever. But at the same time I am excited for each new phase. I was looking at some of Adam's baby pictures the other day and it made me grateful to have another baby in the house and to see all of Owen's firsts. Funny because I never would have considered myself a baby person. I had decided I was more into the toddler phase. But, of course with your own children it's different and it's incredible to watch your own child grow and learn day by day.

Also, two weeks after giving birth:

  • My chicken legs are back! My ankles too! I forgot how scrawny they were. Other parts of me, that's another story, but at least I can look down and see my boney ankles.
  • I sneezed today and didn't completely feel like my insides were going to make their way to my outsides. Progress. I may not need to lean into the counters to brace myself when I sneeze anymore. And I can walk almost at a normal pace now. But I still did not put my tennis shoes on today.

  • I tried some of my "bigger" pre-pregnancy pants. I couldn't get them past my rear, let alone around my waist. Good thing I don't have anywhere to go.
  • I can't even get the easy to-do list done. But maybe that's partly because the day I wrote it we had someone over for half of the day fixing a leak in our roof and repairing half of the ceiling in our hallway. I should have added these things to my list that day instead: 1. Keep Dallin and Adam from going into the hallway (times 8) 2. Scour the garage and shed outside for matching paint for the hallway. 3. Quickly clean the master bathroom so you are not embarrassed to ask him to also fix some drywall in there. 4. Welcome a few more unexpected visitors (and be grateful you actually showered).

And, Dallin helped me give Owen a sponge bath the other day:

Fun times.


Carrie Brown said...

He is so CUTE! Keep taking it easy.

Anonymous said...

Can I squeeze him? He looks so sweet and handsome! You made my tummy hurt please take it easy. You also amazed me and made my day for your EXTREMELY helpful email. Let me know if you need anything! i can pop by and watch the boys while you have an hour to yourself or something.