Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Owen

Monday morning we woke up at 4:30 am to get ready to go to the hospital. The c-section was scheduled for 7:30 and we were suppose to be there two hours early. We showered and got dressed, gathered our things, and got there right on time. Compared to other birth stories, a scheduled c-section is a pretty laid-back process. We checked in at the registration desk and they had me fill out forms while they prepped me for surgery and told me what was going to happen. We were pushed back just a little while for an emergency c-section but finally the time came and they walked me to the operating room. I had a great anesthesiologist who was like my best friend during the delivery. If you haven't had a c-section, here is how it goes down: They first take the mom into the OR and get her all ready, get the anesthesia just right and just before they begin, Dad is let in to sit by mom's side. All week I had been really nervous about the c-section. It is major surgery after all and there are always risks involved. Though I believe the risk factor is about the same for a regular delivery, but nonetheless, that week I was focused more on fear of something going wrong rather than excitement over my baby being born. Sunday afternoon Mark gave me a blessing. In the prayer, I was blessed that I would have peace and be able to enjoy the birth of my baby. The day Owen was born I had felt relatively calm up until the point when I walked into the operating room. It was cold (in more ways than one) and I started to shake a bit both from the temperature and from nerves. I remember lying on the operating table while they were getting ready to begin when I was remembering the words of this blessing and a peaceful calm overcame me. In my mind came the reassurance, "This will be easy. Everything will be fine." From then on I was not worried and actually it was really easy. I laugh now looking at the operating room shots of Mark, Owen, and I because we are smiling and happy while on the other side of the curtain the doctor and nurses are sewing my insides back up. Anyway....

All of the greatest sounds in the world are sounds of your own children: laughter, kind words, funny things they say. First on the list is your own baby's first cry. No other sound can evoke such emotion: joy, relief, love. I love that sound.

And most important: pictures.

Dallin and Adam came to visit after a trip swimming with their aunts.


Meeting Grandma J'net
And Grandma and Grandpa Smith
We went home late Wednesday. My doctor gave me the option of staying one more night but I didn't sleep so well in the hospital so I wanted to go home. A newborn gives you enough reasons to be up in the middle of the night. Add in nurses who check your vitals every couple of hours, draw your blood in the middle of the night and knock on the door just to check if you're awake (not anymore, thank you) and it makes for some sleepless nights.
Owen was apparently not excited for his first ride in the carseat.
Leaving the hospital. Sorry about the lighting.
Mark and I stopped at Pei Wei and he went in while I waited in the car to get some real food to take home. (I don't remember hospital food being quite that bad.) We had a nice dinner at home just the three of us then Mark's mom and sister Shauna brought the boys home. And yes, we do have nice people from church bringing us dinner, but that started last night, Thursday. We don't go out to eat ever so this was a treat to get some take-out.
All day I had been looking forward to having my boys all together. When the boys visited in the hospital they were in their swimsuits and so we only let them look at Owen. At home they got to hold him for the first time.
Adam realizing that now he is the middle child:
We call this shot "Owen: Hands On"
After the excitement over holding Owen wore off, Dallin and Adam were excited to get back to the toys they had missed for a few days. Thank you so much to Grandma Smith, Shauna, Courtney, and Stacey for giving Dallin and Adam such a great time while we were in the hospital. Here's Grandma Smith with Owen:

It has been so sweet to see how much Dallin and Adam love their little brother. Adam is a little less phased by having a new person in the house, but Dallin mentions several times throughout the day things like: "The baby is so cute!" or "I love Owen." Today after breakfast Owen was getting a little fussy. We figured he was getting tired so Mark wrapped him in a blanket and Dallin made up a song to sing him to sleep. "My baby brother. My baby brother. Go to sleep." Mix and repeat.
And please forgive my husband who can't even take the announcement of the birth of our baby seriously. Michael Something Smith-Jackson? Really? But I can't give him too hard of a time because he is the most amazing, supportive husband a gal could imagine. I love you, Mark. You are a great dad and you take great care of me.


Crazy Petersens said...

He is such a cutie! Congrats on his birth. :)

Tanya Leigh said...

Way to go, Marily. The pictures are SO precious - makes me feel like I REALLY better get crackin'! What sweet big brothers :)