Friday, October 17, 2008

Big 10

I am a week late but do not let that fool you on our level of excitement that the boys finally have a cousin on Dad's side...

Carson Daniel Green came in on October 10th at a whopping 10 lbs, 1 oz. So, that's 10/10 and 10 lbs.

Photo by Danny Green

His dad, Danny, had the nickname in high school of 'Big 10' after his S-10 pickup. Even today he still has this on his license plate as well as uses it as his gaming persona.

Well, move over daddy, there's a new Big 10 under your roof.

Here's where I credit my brother-in-law Ryan because he was the smart one who connected the whole big 10, October 10th, 10 lbs thing that made this post so witty.


Kathryn said...

Big boy. Funny connections.

Hey Marily, I saw that you and Mark have some great talents, why don't you whip up a YouTube video so I can enjoy. And did Mark loose weight? He is looking leaner these days. Thanks for your ever faithful comments.

BiG 10 said...

Just a sliiiight correction on the name origin. The pickup in question was a 1979 long bed, 350 V8 Chevy pickup truck that had stickers on the bed that said "BIG 10". Everyone called me by that name ever since (and still do today). Thanks for the blurb on your blog.