Thursday, October 30, 2008

How I Intend To Vote: The Mesa Questions

I know that many voters have already sent in their Last-To-Be-Counted Ballots so I'm going to do my best to get through the rest of the ballot quickly. Mesa voters have this on their ballots:

Questions 1 and 2
No position.
All I have to say about these is that before you vote "yes", understand that you are authorizing Mesa to get into more debt, and that the debt is to be paid by property owners. A "yes" vote is a vote to raise taxes on yourself.

Proposition 400: The Slumlord Thing
This proposition is supposed to somehow combat deteriorating properties by giving more power to the city government. None of us like to see our city rot, but until someone can give me a good argument why this particular measure is the answer to our problems I'll be voting "no".

A "no" vote is always the safer one when it comes to propositions. If you vote "no" on a good proposition there's still an opportunity to revisit the issue later. But if you vote "yes" on a bad law, those are very hard to undo. As Jedediah Jedediahson, my great uncle, twice removed would always say, "When in doubt, vote 'no'". Good advice. There is usually less regret that way.

Thoughts on Mesa blog has some...well, thoughts about Prop 400.

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