Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's Pretend It's Autumn

Today has been a great day. I found out on Saturday night that Mark was going to be off work for Columbus Day. What a nice surprise. Who else celebrates Columbus Day? The small company he works for has gotten increasingly liberal concerning holidays. Though apparently they still tease him at work because on Veteran's Day a few years ago he was trying to get to work and the roads were closed around his office for a parade. He didn't try to figure out how to get through--he went home. Picked up the fam and we went to the parade. Everyone else was at work.

Today as a tribute to other parts of the country having fall, we went to Mother Nature's Farm. And what am I doing being so sarcastic? The weather has been beautiful. Here's what we did:

Here's the info if you live in town. And here's another cool site to find other farms with cool things to pick and enjoy.

(Psssst, Kathryn--Feel free to steal this info for your cool Mesa site. But only if you think it's cool enough.)


Kathryn said...

Marily, do you mind if I borrow one of your pictures for iheartmesa? It's the one with your boys in the hay maze.

Barnes Blog said...

How fun. We just went to a Pumpkin Patch too. I happened upon your blog through Shye's, she just left me a comment a few days ago. So good to see you and your family.