Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Socialite

Dallin is a socialite. He is only truly happy when he has someone to play with. Adam will do sometimes, but mostly he wants someone old enough to really interact with in a more verbal way. Once we went to our neighborhood park and happily noticed, "How nice, no one else is here." Dallin noticed too: "There are no friends here today!"

It's easy enough to be Dallin's friend--if you are alive and you'll play with and/or talk with him then you're in. We have seen him many times following after another kid at the playground as Dallin asked over and over again, "Hey, do you want to play with me?" And sadly, more often than not the other kid is just not as interested in making a quick friend.

Today we went to the park and I restrained myself from interfering as I watched this scene:

Dallin was found trailing after a group of little girls. They were playing princesses and Dallin was determined to convince them that what they really needed to make their game complete was a hero:

"I'm Flash! I'm going to rescue you!"

What Dallin might not have realized is that these were independent princesses and they didn't need rescuing. They weren't too interested in including a boy in their game. Eventually an older sister or friend--maybe 8 or 9 years old-- gathered the girls together and tried to help Dallin out:

"Girls. He is the prince. He is prince Eric for you--motioning to one girl--and he's well, whatever prince is in your movie for you."

She gave it a noble effort but still the princesses were apparently not looking for a hero in any form, be it Flash or be it Prince Eric.

Still, I hope the older girl's parents know what a sweet girl they have because I was tempted to search them out right then and there and let them know that I was touched that another child had cared about my little boy.


Mom's da Bomb! said...

What a cute story, Marily. You can tell Dallin that he will ALWAYS be MY hero. It's so great that you share all your cute stories with the rest of us. You are indeed a gifted author, as well as a great mom! I'm always so proud to be your mother.

Unknown said...

I think Dallin is awesome! i love that the girls let him rescue them!!! thank goodness for disney