Friday, October 31, 2008

How I Intend To Vote: Judges

Most folks don't know what to do about that long list of judges. The only wrong way to vote here is to just go down the list and check "yes" next to every name. Thousands and thousands of voters simply vote "yes" on all the judges because they don't have good information. I suggest one of 3 approaches:

  1. Don't vote on the judges. That's right. It's OK to not vote on some issues or races. Really. There are too many items on a presidential-year ballot for anyone to be an expert (or even well-informed) on everything. Vote on the races for which you have enough info to make a good decision.
  2. Vote "no" on all the judges. My personal favorite. It helps combat all those people who automatically vote "yes" on everything. How else are we gonna get rid of activist judges in our state?
  3. Vote "yes" or "no" after conducting detailed research on each judge. Of course you can start by researching the Judicial Performance Review. But may I suggest a different source. AZ Judges Review has the real dirt on some of these judges. Happy reading!

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