Sunday, October 12, 2008

What's the Big Deal?

If we were more honest with ourselves, I think many of us would admit that with regards to the issue of same-sex marriage we have some questions. Mark and I have done lots of reading and researching for the last few years and I was finally feeling when I wrote this post that after maybe four years educating myself I'm actually getting a handle on this issue and I finally think that I can support my beliefs with arguments and facts.

It is a tricky issue. There is obviously a delicate balance in being kind and compassionate and yet standing up for your beliefs. I believe that most people, even those that are members of churches that actively oppose gay marriage, know that homosexuality is wrong and will support the marriage amendment, but they probably don't have much more of a standing than that. Maybe there is even an inner struggle--they know that homosexuality is wrong and they believe their church leaders, but they still have some questions that they can't quite answer.

That's where I come in. I am in no ways an expert on this subject, but I'd love the challenge to answer ANY and ALL questions about the issue of same-sex marriage, why we need a marriage amendment, etc. If you've ever heard an argument or question I'd love for the opportunity to answer it. I'd be happy to get questions from anyone--whether or not you've ever commented before--gay rights activists and all. Challenge me with a question even if you have your own great answer for it. I'll even turn off my comment moderating for this one. Ready, go!
Photo credit here.


mishalee said...

here's the question(s) i wanted answered and although i am pretty sure i 'get it' now, there may be others like me out there, lurking...
How does this (legalizing gay marriages) effect my family and my church?
and can i just rock.

Anonymous said...

Hi-we haven't met-I actually found your blog because for my job I track news about grocery stores, like Fresh & Easy that you mentioned in your pizza post. I apologize if it's forward to read your blog without knowing you, but I noticed your comments about the Marriage Amendment in Arizona and kept reading to see more of your insights on the issue.

I'm a straight, married, Christian woman in California who voted against Prop 8. I'd love to be able to email with you about our different thoughts on this subject. I would honestly just love to be able to better understand the convictions and motivations of people who feel as strongly as you do against gay marriage being legal. I truly approach this full of Christian love, and am looking for conversation not arguments! I set up an email just for this, it's laopendialogue (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you're weirded out because I'm a stranger, I understand :).

Blessings to you and your family, Lauren.